

Falcons sports club was started basically in 2017 with only one game (basketball). The key reason for starting falcon sports club is, to create a positive competitive era in a place where the new generation cannot find properly organise sports places.


(A excellent teacher makes excellent students) our coaches play a prominent role in the best sports training. We only recruit professional sports people as a coach, who already know the sports ground reality and also have good communication skills with pupils. Even, before appointing the coach for training, our coach training program makes coaches ready for every sports scenario. So they can give the best training for students, and make their pupils professional in sports.

I joined the Falcons sports club after corona pandemic, it was a great opportunity not only for professional basketball players but also for those who were faced with unorganized lethargic lifestyles.



We not only teach sports to children but also give them a chance to make their place in the sports world. We send teams to many tournaments and even organize the falcon sports league. Moreover, from time to time we also conduct friendly matches between teams so that students can understand the actual game situations

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